About Us

About Us

Since 2018, Stewardship Systems Financial Group has worked diligently to strengthen, uplift, and grow the community. We continue to work with the same enthusiasm and values to build our resources to provide exceptional and comprehensive service offerings to better meet and exceed the needs of the organizations we serve.

At Stewardship Systems Financial Group, our core values lay the foundation for working and serving the community. Our values are at the heart of everything we do, what we believe in, and how we conduct our personal lives depicting the basic teachings and Christian biblical principles.

Our Vision

To build our clients’ capacity to govern, lead, operate and identify strategies to survive and thrive in their mission.

Our Mission

To provide exceptional and comprehensive financial services to meet and exceed the needs of organizations we serve.

Our Values

To serve with the talents and gifts God has given us, so that we build our clients’ capacity and positively impact our community

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Contact Info.

2779 S. Church Street,
Suite 302, Burlington,
NC 27215

Meet the team

Jasmine S. Galloway is a visionary and inspirational leader who has made it her mission to make a difference in the world. Known for stewarding her time, skills, and resources well, Jasmine has become a trusted impact partner for numerous nonprofits throughout the US.


Jasmine S. Galloway, MSA, CIA

Chief Executive Officer & Founder

Angel Bolden

Executive Assistant

Victoria Cassedy

Accounts Payable Manager